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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Westcliff High School for Girls


Click here to visit our WHSG Wellbeing Linktree.

There are many things that we can do to look after our emotional wellbeing. The need to do this is even greater during times of stress and uncertainty.

We have gathered here some habits that can be done to help maintain or boost your wellbeing.


Try to get up at the same time as usual, have meals at the same time as usual. Follow your school timetable as must as possible. Make sure that you are working at a desk or table and not on the floor or on your bed, this will help not just for comfort but also separating work and relaxation.

Keeping Active

Physical activity is not just good for our bodies but for our minds. Mrs Wilkin has set up a Google Classroom with lots of activities that can be done at home.

Connecting with Friends and Loved Ones

At the moment this will need to be done remotely. Video chats and calls will help shorten the distance between you. Make sure that you are reaching out to people so that you and they do not feel lonely or isolated.


Getting enough sleep is very important. In order to aid this following a 10 minute guided meditation or breathing exercise to clear your mind before bed can be very helpful. Also do not get into bed until you are about to go to sleep. Do not use screens for half an hour before you go to sleep.


Whether this is school recommendations or of your own choice.

Do Things That are Fun

Whatever it is that you enjoy, build that into your routine as well. Singing, knitting, sewing, drawing, playing instruments, puzzles, craft, colouring. Start a new hobby.

Identify and Express your Feelings

Recognise your feelings, some days will be better than others. Identifying your feelings will help you manage them better. Acknowledge and coping with that there are some thing you can control and some you can’t. Finding an outlet for your feelings can help, a journal, a notebook. Finding and celebrating the positives.

Calming Activities

Deep breathing, yoga, chair yoga, guided breathing or guided meditation, mindfulness colouring.

Below are some links to other sites or suggested activities that can be useful as well as a booklet we have put together to signpost you to other support.

Coping Skills for Kids have some useful ideas and breathing strategies.

Mind has some information on mindfulness and relaxation

Some Other Useful Links for Parents

Mind - Mental Health Charity Website

Livewell Southend - Southend's Health & Wellbeing Website

NHS Guidelines for Wellbeing and Mental Health

Thriving with Nature explores the relationship between nature, wellbeing and mental health and has some activities that could be useful at home.


ECC Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support During CoronavirusPSGT DIRECTORY OF SUPPORTSouthend SEND Parent and Carer School Closure Support Pack


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